Basic Commands

Need a hand navigating our server? Check out this essential commands to help you with your blocky journey. 

Basic Commands to Get Started





Use this command to be teleported to a random location, perfect for exploring uncharted territories!


Use this command to manage your homes. 

/sethome [name]

Establish your base! Use this command to save your base location and quickly return with /home


Need to relocate? Delete your home with this command. Remember, you can only have limited home slots so make sure to use them wisely!


This trusty command warps you back to the server's spawn point, a familiar starting point. 

/tpa [player name]

Use this command to request teleportation to another player in the server. 

/tpaccept [player name]

This allows you to accept a teleportation request from another player. 

/tpahere [player name]

This allows you to send a teleportation request to another player. 

/warp or /warp [name]

Use either of these commands to navigate quickly to pre-define locations in the server. 


/afkcheck [player name]

This allows you to check if your friend/teammate is AFK (Away From Keyboard)


Curious about the  richest players in the server? See the top in-game balances with this command. 


We prepared daily treats for you! Clam you daily reward using this command.  


Stay connected! Join the server's vibrant community by clicking the link provided through /discord, where you can find updates, announcements, and connect with other players. 


Discover unique enchantments! This command provides information about the custom enchantments available on the server. 


Who's online? This command allows you to see a list of currently online players. 

/msg [player name] [message]

Send private messages to another player using this command. Reply to previous messages with /reply [player name].

/pay [player name [amount]

Feeling generous? Send money to another player with this command. 


Use this command to view the rank information. 


Use this command to view the rank list.


Want to climb the ranks and earn rewards? Use this command to see how to reach the next level.


See who grinds the most, and check the playtime leaderboard with this command. 

/pyrofarming menu 

Unleash your inner farmer! This command opens a menu dedicated to all things farming, likely allowing you to plant crops, manage animals, and reap the rewards of your agricultural endeavors.

/pyrofishing menu 

Cast your line and reel in the fun! This command grants access to the fishing menu, where you can embark on aquatic adventures, catching fish and other treasures from the depths.

/pyromining menu

Gear up and delve deep! This command unlocks the mining menu, providing all the tools and information you need to explore the mines, gather valuable resources, and become a mining master.


This command displays the server's rules, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone. Make sure to READ and FOLLOW them.


Show your support and gain benefits by voting for our server!


/ah Want to trade with others? This command allows you to view the auction house where people sel items. 
/ah sell \ \ 

This allows you to sell items in the auction house (NOTE: applicable to those with Garnet rank and above only)

/jobs [browse/join/leave/leaveall/playerinfo]

Earn a living: learn about available jobs, join one, and manage your job with this command. 


Keep track of your riches using this command, or you may check the balance shown on your scoreboard. 


Treat yourself! Explore the server shop for cool items with this command. 


Upgrade your experience! Browse the server store with this command to purchase premium ranks, or crate keys (supporting future server development).

Claim Management


Need a fresh start? Using this command will allow you to abandon all your claims all at once. Use this carefully! 


Want to expand your claim, but you ran out of claim blocks? Fear not! Buy claim blocks with this command. 


Protect your builds! Create a land claims to safeguard your property, it's better to be safe than sorry.

/transferclaim [player name]

Transfer land claims to another player with this command. 

/trust [player name]

Build Trust with friends! Use this command to grant them access to your claimed areas. Be careful, don't trust anyone so easily!


If you find yourself trapped in a block or area, use this command to free yourself. 

Last Updated: 12 June 2024 08:36

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