Dealing with Rule Violators

If you encounter a player violating server rules, it's essential to handle the situation appropriately:

  1. Gather Evidence: Capture screenshots, record videos, or save chat logs to document the violation clearly.
  2. Contact Staff: Report the violation to a server staff member, providing all evidence and relevant details.
  3. Avoid Conflict: Refrain from arguing directly with the violator. Let server staff manage the situation for a fair resolution.
  4. Create a Discord Ticket: Use the ticket system to report violations
      Head to the ⁠ticket channel.
      Create a new ticket by clicking the "Minecraft" button and provide details and evidence.
      Wait for staff to respond to your ticket.
  5. Cooperate with Staff: Work with staff members during their investigation, being honest and providing requested information.
  6. Respect Privacy: Maintain privacy for all involved parties; avoid sharing personal details or engaging in public shaming.
  7. Follow Up: After resolution, check with staff to ensure appropriate action has been taken and the issue resolved satisfactorily.
Last Updated: 03 March 2024 01:46

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