Island Settings

Using the command /is settings, you can fine-tune your island to create the perfect environment for your gameplay style. Here's a breakdown of the available settings:


  • Always Day/Night/Middle Day/Middle Night: Lock the island in your preferred time of day for uninterrupted work or spooky adventures. (These settings are mutually exclusive.)


  • Always Rain/Shiny: Set a permanent mood with constant rain or clear skies. (These settings are mutually exclusive.)


  • Creeper Explosion, Ghast Fireball, TNT Explosion, Wither Explosion (On/Off): Decide whether explosions from these sources damage blocks on your island.
  • Fire Spread, Lava Flow, Water Flow (On/Off): Control how fire, lava, and water behave on your island.
  • Tree Growth, Crops Growth (On/Off): Enable or disable natural growth of trees and crops.

Mobs and Animals

  • Natural Animals Spawn, Spawner Animals Spawn (On/Off): Control the spawning of friendly animals on your island.
  • Natural Monster Spawn, Spawner Monster Spawn (On/Off): Decide if you want monsters to spawn naturally or only from spawners.
  • Enderman Grief (On/Off): Prevent endermen from picking up blocks.
  • Egg Lay (On/Off): Allow or prevent chickens from laying eggs.


  • PvP (On/Off): Enable or disable player-versus-player combat on your island. (Visitors will be teleported to spawn when enabling PvP to prevent traps.)


Remember: These settings only affect your island and won't influence the rest of the Skyblock world.

Last Updated: 19 June 2024 12:54

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