Island Permissions

The /is permissions command lets you control what different groups of players can do on your island. Here's a breakdown of the available permissions:

Island Management:

  • All: Full control over the island (Leader only!)
  • Change Name: Rename your island
  • Close Island: Lock the island to visitors
  • Coop Member: Add players as permanent co-owners
  • Delete Warp: Remove teleport locations on your island
  • Demote Members: Reduce a member's permission level
  • Disband Island: Completely disband your island
  • Island Chest: Access the island's shared chest
  • Open Island: Unlock the island for visitors
  • Promote Members: Increase a member's permission level
  • Set Biome: Change the overall climate of your island
  • Set Home: Define the spawn point for teleporting onto your island
  • Set Permissions: Manage other players' permissions
  • Set Role: Assign specific roles to members
  • Set Settings: Control island-wide settings like time and weather
  • Set Warp: Create new teleport locations on your island

Building and Interaction:

  • Animal Breed/Shear/Spawn: Interact with animals in various ways (breeding, shearing wool, spawning)
  • Ban Member: Expel a player from the island permanently
  • Break: Mine blocks on the island
  • Build: Place blocks on the island
  • Chest Access: Open chests on the island
  • Drop Items: Drop items on the island
  • Ender Pearl: Use ender pearls for teleportation (may be restricted)
  • Fertilize: Improve crop growth with fertilizer
  • Horse Interact: Interact with horses on the island
  • Interact: Use various interactive blocks (check configurables for details)
  • Item Frame: Break or interact with item frames
  • Leash: Attach leashes to mobs on the island
  • Minecart Actions (Damage/Enter/Open/Place): Control how players can interact with minecarts
  • Painting: Break paintings on the island
  • Pickup (Axolotl/Drops/Fish): Collect dropped items, fish, or axolotls
  • Sign Interact: Interact with signs on the island
  • Spawner Actions (Break/Monster/Animal Spawn): Control how players can interact with spawners
  • Turtle Egg Tramping: Decide if players can break turtle eggs by stepping on them
  • Uncoop Member: Remove co-ownership privileges from a member
  • Use: Activate blocks with redstone or other mechanisms
  • Valuable Break: Control if players can break valuable blocks

Combat and Resources

  • Animal Damage/Monster Damage: Allow or prevent players from harming animals or monsters
  • Fish: Fish in the waters around your island
  • Pickup Items: Collect dropped items on the island
  • Villager Trading: Trade with villagers on the island
  • Withdraw Money: Take money out of the island's bank


Last Updated: 19 June 2024 13:07

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